Re: TECH: Quantum Head Job

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Thu Oct 11 2001 - 22:13:38 MDT

> "Smigrodzki, Rafal" wrote:
> ### Measuring a quantum property invariably changes it - so if you
> want to monitor the spin of a single particle, you will actually
> change it and destroy the entanglement. You might want to ask the
> physicists on the list for a more detailed explanation but the ansible
> is apparently not compatible with quantum mechanics as we know it.

Hmm...yes, I can definitely see how that would be a problem. Would it
be possible to make a "hidden" measurement, such that its information
does not leave the vicinity of the quantum particle for a few moments,
then affect the particle and do another measurement, then introduce the
comparison between the two measurements to the outside world? The
first measurement would have to be encoded into the quantum state for
this to work without destroying the entanglement.

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