Re: steganography (and bin Laden)

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Thu Oct 11 2001 - 16:16:46 MDT

"J. R. Molloy" wrote:
> From: "Anders Sandberg" <>
> > I guess the same technique is also useful to find messages sent by
> > dissidents - if the article had been about Iomart helping the Chinese
> > government to catch dissidents, would you then have denounced it as one
> > of the most unextropic corporations in the world today?
> "dissidents" do not equate to terrorists.
> Please re-read my message. It doesn't mention "dissidents." It mentions only
> terrorists.
> There is a difference between dissidents and terrorists.

You miss the point. Expanding power to dig into encrypted
messages and even to perhaps outlaw some types of encryption or
demand government back doors has a chilling effect on all users
and potential users of encryption, not just terrorists.

- samantha

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