Finding Bin Laden

From: John Clark (
Date: Wed Oct 10 2001 - 09:32:36 MDT

After watching his recent tape I had a sort of goofy idea on how to find
Bin Laden. All color video equipment emit a very weak but very precise
electromagnetic signal, if they use the America standard it would be at
3,579,545 cycles per second, If they use the European PAL standard it
would be something similar. Perhaps if we had some very sensitive
receivers tuned to the exact frequency the next time he decides to
tape another episode of the Bin Lauden show he'd give away his position.
In any other country in the world this would never work but TV is extremely
rare in Afghanistan, the Taliban banned it because it can form an image
of a living thing and only God has a right to do that, for that reason no
photograph exists of the head of the Taliban, Mullah Mohammed Omar.
Bin Lauden is more open minded in this regard, he likes to be on TV, but
maybe Omar will turn out to be right, maybe we could use his fondness for
TV to send a missile up his ass.

         John K Clark

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