Re: Gas Mask recommendations? (Was Re: Biowar link)

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Fri Oct 05 2001 - 09:36:51 MDT

Robert Coyote wrote:
> Many of us spend a significant amount of our 24 hour day in our home so,
> what if a tube was put in an outside wall (or even the floor) that was of an
> internal dimension to any available effective filters, and a positive flow
> into the home was provided with a low voltage fan, ac adaptor with battery
> backup.
> The tube could be designed so that pushing a new filter in from the interior
> side would push an expired filter outside, so as not to breach sterility,
> this seems to cover a percentage chance of exposure.
> could also put filters in car interior intake vent fans also, in case of
> inadvertent driving thru contaminated areas, keeping a radio tuned to a
> local news station 24/7 might be effective for early warning.
> Someone have any advice as to how I sell this idea to the executive branch
> of my family ( the high priestess )?

Well, it would do wonders to reduce the amount of dust around the house
(and allergic reactions). Don't know who does the domestics in your
place, but whoever does should recognise a labor saving device when they
see it.

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