Re: Chomsky (was: Christopher Hitchens' Column)

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Fri Oct 05 2001 - 00:06:20 MDT

At 12:40 AM 10/5/01 -0400, John K Clark wrote:

> >Chomsky has contrasted the high-volume media coverage
> >of the Khmer Rouge atrocities with the low-volume
> >coverage of the atrocities committed in the same
> >period by Indonesia's US-sanctioned invasion of East Timor.

>All atrocities should be condemned but to do it by saying my holocaust
>is worse than your holocaust shows a moral tone deafness that is
>staggering to contemplate.

Oddly, that's exactly Chomsky's point. He's noting not just the moral
deafness of the major media (who effectively ignored the Timor atrocities,
presumably on the grounds that they were someone else's holocaust), but the
actual deafness thereby imposed on readers and viewers.

Which is what John's cite from Jeff says.

Damien Broderick

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