Re: Chomsky (was: Christopher Hitchens' Column)

From: jeff davis (
Date: Thu Oct 04 2001 - 17:51:11 MDT

--- Mike Lorrey <> wrote:

> Considering that Chomsky is one of those types who
> continues to make excuses for the Khmer Rouge's
> killing fields (one of Chomsky's cause celebre), he
> is indeed as John describes.

And pigs can fly.

Chomsky has contrasted the high-volume media coverage
of the Khmer Rouge atrocities with the low-volume
coverage of the atrocities committed in the same
period by Indonesia's US-sanctioned invasion of East
Timor. He has done this to show that the power elites
who run US foreign policy have no concern for human
rights (or democracy) and that the corporate-owned
media's selective coverage of events serves the
interests of the elite, by on the one hand concealing
the human-rights abuses of US global power projection,
while one the other hand promoting the fiction that US
global influence is all high-minded sweetness and
light. It's not a truth most Americans can deal with,
so they defame the messenger.

The best I can do for Mike is guess that, as it's
unlikely he has a taste for actually *reading*
Chomsky, that he is probably just passing on the
twisted interpretation of someone else's ethical and
intellectual unregeneracy.

Best, Jeff Davis

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