Fwd: Op-Ed piece on consumerism and values

From: Michael M. Butler (butler@comp-lib.org)
Date: Wed Oct 03 2001 - 21:38:03 MDT

{a friend forwarded this. In part, he wrote:}

I think this: We're in for a rough ride no matter what we do, ranging
from nothing to a lot of something.
Anyway, this Op-ed brought a tear to my eyes, for some reason.

October 3, 2001
All That Glistens
WASHINGTON -- The shiny red and silver Neiman Marcus Christmas 
catalog just arrived.
It makes you a little sick and a little wistful. Even though it was 
printed only a month ago, it now seems as detached from the moment as 
cave drawings, a document of an extinct culture that reveled without 
apology in the trivial and gaudy, pushing luxury to absurd heights.
A simple hanger could not suffice when there was a $65 mink hanger 
"too beautiful to tuck away in a closet."
A simple jean jacket could not suffice when there was a $2,785 jean 
jacket with rabbit collar and cuffs.
A simple baby carriage could not suffice when there was a $4,250 
Burberry pram with matching $375 diaper bag.
Simple black stockings could not suffice when there was a $500 pair 
with cultured fresh-water pearls hand-beaded on the lace border. (And 
when they run, do you salvage the pearls for an anklet?)
The only camouflage we were concerned with back then was designer 
camouflage cargo pants and lingerie, offering a frisson of danger to 
lives that were smugly unthreatened.
And there's Neiman's famous big- ticket fantasy item: your own $6.7 
million Bell helicopter to fly you to black-tie parties. (Remember 
when flying wasn't terrifying?)
America has developed an aversion to consumer overindulgence at the 
very moment our leaders tell us the only way to prevail against the 
terrorists and prop up our economy is through consumer overindulgence.
Who could have predicted that the first war of the 21st century would 
be about stuff?
Past wars were fought to expand empires. But the new invaders want to 
explode our empire.
The puritanical Islamic warriors hate our stuff and think us decadent 
hedonist infidels who have lost our souls. "The Americans are 
fighting so they can live and enjoy the material things in this 
life," a Taliban spokesman said. "But we are fighting so we can die 
in the cause of Allah."
As Mullah Muhammad Omar, the Taliban leader, once said: "Life can be 
led with just a few basics. The luxuries don't matter."
The terrorists don't want our stuff - they lived among us and 
resisted being seduced by it. They don't want us to have our stuff. 
And they don't want our stuff to taint their holy lands; they want to 
banish our planes and equipment and MTV culture from the Persian Gulf.
America is still stunned that our sophisticated stuff could not 
protect us, that our trillion dollars' worth of weapons, radars and 
satellites all fell flat against a few brutes with box cutters.
And now we are battling a bunch of atavistic ascetics who hate TV, 
music, movies, the Internet (except when they're planning 
atrocities), women and Jews, who live in caves in a country smaller 
than Texas with a gross domestic product smaller than Bill Gates's.
Up until the moment the twin towers fell, America was deep in a 
cocoon of self-gratification and self-improvement. We were on a giddy 
odyssey of self-actualization, epitomized by the headlines in Oprah's 
magazine: "Feel Good Naked: A fabulous 10- point plan, no diet 
Now we have to view our solipsism and wretched excess through the 
prism of the "epic wretchedness" of the Afghan people, as The Times's 
Barry Bearak called it. It's somewhat embarrassing that we didn't 
look outward sooner, that foreign wars got less TV air time than the 
war against wrinkles.
But our culture turns out to be about much more than its glittery 
surface, and that's been clear in all that's happened since Sept. 11: 
the exposure to the quiet lives of inspiration that so many victims 
led; the valor of rescue workers; the altruistic derring-do of the 
men who fought back on Flight 93; our concern about inflicting 
unnecessary suffering on innocent Afghans; the generosity and civic 
tolerance at the heart of our country's response to horrific loss.
With their oxymoronic holy war, Osama bin Laden and his murderous 
disciples meant to expose our moral vacuity. But they exposed only 
their own.
They simply succeeded in illuminating - not just to the rest of the 
world but to us - how little all our baubles and all our booty have 
to do with who we really are.
The terrorists taught us this: We are more than the sum of our stuff.

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