Re: SCIENCE: CERN upgrade will create black holes

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Tue Oct 02 2001 - 14:38:43 MDT

On Tue, 2 Oct 2001, Andrew Clough wrote:

> What sort of energies would we be talking about here? The cosmic rays
> that bombard Earth are pretty darn powerful, but I haven't run into
> any references to them causing black holes. And if CERN produces
> collisions of unprecedented energy, would there be any danger of
> something going Horribly Wrong - producing a black hole that *doesn't*
> evaporate, say?

While reality edges uncomfortably towards the "Thrice upon the time"
scenario, estimates made (cosmic range energy, rate and impact upon the
Moon over GYr) seem to imply the probability of something going Badly
Wrong is very low.

It would be very nice to find out whether singularities are really
information sinks -- in a laboratory experiment.

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