Re: TERRORISM: and justice (was : Re: TERRORISM: Seriousness and potential strategies)

From: Terry W. Colvin (
Date: Sun Sep 30 2001 - 00:35:18 MDT

Samantha Atkins wrote:
> "Terry W. Colvin" wrote:
> >
> > Samantha Atkins wrote:
> > >
> > > Jacques Du Pasquier wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> > > > Second, there are 4 main reasons for which the US are aimed : support
> > > > for Israel, presence in Saudi (sacred home land of islam), general
> > > > world domination, and cultural influence.
> > > >
> > >
> > > I see no really good reason for a continuing large force in
> > > Saudi Arabia. It doesn't provide significant enough detterrent
> > > relative to our ability to quickly move in forces when necessary
> > > for the level of action present imho. And it costs an arm and a
> > > leg financially as well as in good will of the people in the
> > > region.
> >
> > The U.S. Central Command maintains an armoured brigade of prepositioned
> > equipment at Camp Doha, Kuwait. An Army armored battalion rotates in
> > from Europe or the U.S. every three to four months, removes this
> > equipment and forward forward deploys to the border with Iraq. A second
> > prepositioning point is under construction in Qatar as we speak.
> >
> Thanks for the info. So do we have anything in Saudi Arabia?
> If not then what is bin Laden complaing about?
> - samantha

Yes, about 5,000 Air Force and Army troops at places such as Eskan Village
and Prince Sultan Air Base. Also, bin Laden wants to overthrow the ruling
Saud family as they are not true Muslims in his mind.


Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < >
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