Re: What is the Extropian answer to war? (was: Raisin Bombers over Afghanistan)

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 23:11:13 MDT

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) >Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 18:37:17 -0700
> Spike Jones <> extropians@extropy.orgReply-To:
>Hubert Mania wrote:
>> By the way, what IS the extropian answer to war?
>Avoid war if at all possible, win it otherwise. spike
And the definition of 'if at all possible' is 'if the cost of avoidance is less than the cost of waging and winning it'. It all comes down to a comparative cost-benefit analysis. In this case, the costs of capitulation in this war (for nothing less will suffice for our fervently fanatical zealot adversaries) is practically EVERYTHING we value and hold dear, even dearer than life itself; personal liberty, democracy, egalitarianism, diversity, freedom of choice, will, thought and action. Therefore, since losing this war could not be worse than appeasing all the nonnegotiable demands of our adversaries (the only available - defined as 'to which they might agree' - avenue of avoidance open to us), we must, and indeed have no choice but to, wage this war and win it. Remember that the English translation if Islam is 'Surrender'; I don't know about y'all, but after the WTC atrocity, and even before, but the atrocity itself exclams the point, I don't fuckin' feel like it, and I ne!
ver will. This human being is nonconvertible, and that fact is nonnegotiable, nor is or will it ever be open for discussion.

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