Re: 1e6 advantage to the terrorists

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 17:16:45 MDT

> Who is a better person to tell? Your congressperson?
> It feels safer, but face it, they'll "rat you out" in
> a minute when the fbi asks for the source of the info.
> Bill Wattenburg? I was impressed by his website at:

Frankly, I don't much understand the concern about going public.
Let's face it: if one of us is capable of thinking of it, so are
hundreds of others, some of whom are bad guys. Perhaps they don't
have the means or the will to carry it out, but I'm sure it's in
the minds of at least one of them. There are already lots of
known methods of doing lots of damage, so exposing one more isn't
going to change anything drastically.

I would just go straight to the fourth estate: your local news
providers, talk shows, etc. Yes, Bill Wattenburg is great, and
he will look at the idea, intelligently evaluate its potential,
and has the connections to advise higher-ups. He also has
California's strong journalist-source protection laws to secure
your anonymity if you desire it. At least if you go to the news,
the information won't be locked in a cabinet by some bureaucrat
and ignored, making it all the more dangerous.

Untraceable anonymous e-mail isn't too tricky; I'm not one of
the die-hard cypherpunks like Hal, but I could manage it.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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