CANCER: Okay, so I got it and then smiled.

From: Michael Wiik (
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 12:22:27 MDT

"" <> wrote:

> I’m healthy. I workout frequently. My motto has been “flex my mind, flex my body” for many
> years. I do all the routine checkups, and even went to Kronos specifically to check the amount of
> toxins in my system – which came back “all clear.”

It's a mystery. I'm glad you came thru it. My sister, a typical american
wife and mom now, isn't all that chubby but always feels really really
fat whenever she vacations in our home country, Norway, where everyone
is thin and athletic pretty much until they keel over. She likes nachos
and smokes cigarettes. She's 50+ and still looking good. She's healthy.
Never had cancer (yet).

Many, many, of her svelte girlfriends in Norway have had brest cancer.
Maybe it's the climate. Or the smoked fish.

The wife of a guy I used to work for got brest cancer. She's one of the
finest people I've ever known, mostly because of her no nonsense,
to-the-point, can-do attitude. She dreaded going to the treatment
center, not because of the medical procedures, but due to all the 'I'm
gonna die' whiners there. She came thru it ok, afaik.


Michael Wiik
Messagenet Communications Research
Washington DC Area Internet and WWW Consultants

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