Re: Steganography

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 12:33:32 MDT

Eugene Leitl wrote:

> On Thu, 27 Sep 2001, Louis Newstrom wrote:
> I don't think Twofish will become crackable by brute-force (as defined by
> several million machines, working for a year on a single key) in less than
> 10 years. I wouldn't bet my life on it, though, for that, there are
> one-time pads.
> -- Eugen* Leitl leitl
> ______________________________________________________________

It's as well not to wager what you can't afford to loose on that
pigeon. Quantum computing seems to be advancing quite rapidly,
and I believe that all current systems will become obsolete once
it arrives. A decade? That's a bit of a short time, but
considering the news this month I wouldn't rule it out.

Charles Hixson
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