Re: Bush's Orwellian Address (was Re: George W. Bush's Speech on September 20, 2001)

From: Robert Coyote (
Date: Sun Sep 23 2001 - 22:29:08 MDT

> Nah. War is inefficient. Corp-Gov-Media now has inter-ethnic
> conflicts/tensions here in the USA that are available to keep the
> governed from uniting and throwing off the yoke. You don't see govt's
> voiding the will of the citizenry in smaller, relatively homogenous
> social democracies like Sweden, et al....

of some relevance, please forward to exi-freedom

Florida Executive Order - Marshall Law

  Just some quick facts (no rumors what-so-ever) concerning the Bush family
  brothers, Governor "Jeb" of Florida and President "G.W." of Washington
 City, with regards to the events of 9-11:

  Friday, September 7, "Jeb" signed Florida Executive Order No. 01-261 which
  states, in part:

  "I hereby delegate to The Adjutant General of the State of Florida all
  necessary authority, within approved budgetary appropriations or grants,
  to order members of the Florida National Guard into active service, as
  by Section 250.27, Florida Statutes, for the purpose of training to
  law-enforcement personnel and emergency-management personnel in the event
  civil disturbances or natural disasters and to provide training support to
  law-enforcement personnel and community-based organizations relating to
  counter drug operations. This Executive Order shall remain in full force
 and effect until the earlier of its revocation or June 30, 2003."

  This Fla. EO places the Florida National Guard, a unit of the Federal U.S.
Army, in control of all Florida law
  enforcement (State FDLE, County Sheriffs, and local PD's) and the Florida
  Emergency Management department (Florida's FEMA under federal FEMA
 control) Remember, this was 4 days before the WTC disaster.

  Governor "Jeb" then signed Florida Executive Order No. 01-262 immediately
  after the second WTC tower fell. Florida was the first STATE to declare a
  "State of Emergency" and did so before New York State or the Federal
  Washington City leaders did, yet there were no "terroristic" incidents
that had taken place in Florida.

  Florida EO 01-262 states, in part:

  "I hereby declare that a state of emergency exists in the State of
  Florida... The authority to suspend the effect of any statute or rule
  governing the conduct of state business, and the further authority to
  suspend the effect of any order or rule of any governmental entity... The
  authority to seize and utilize any and all real or personal property as
  needed to meet this emergency... The authority to order the evacuation of
  any or all persons from any location in the State of Florida, and the
  authority to regulate the movement of any or all persons to or from any
  location in the State; The authority to regulate the return of the
 evacuees to their home communities... I hereby order the Adjutant General
 activate the Florida National Guard for the duration of this emergency."

  There is no declared expiration of this Florida Executive Order. In case
  you haven't figured it out yet, Florida is now under martial law and will
  remain so until this EO is revoked. The people of Florida were warned
 about this in 1998 when their State Constitution was changed to allow this
 take place, but no-one listened. See "Martial Law Now Legal in Florida" at .

  If you plan on vacationing in Florida, (or if, unfortunately, you live in
  Florida), remember that you have entered into a Martial Law State under
  control of the Washington City "brothers" and federal troops. It appears
  that "2001 is not a space odyssey" it is "deja vu - 1865".

  Below are the direct links to the State of Florida web pages, along with
  both Executive Orders as they were signed by "Jeb".

  WHEREAS, the Florida National Guard has the statutory responsibility to
  provide support to law-enforcement personnel and emergency-management
  personnel in the event of civil disturbances or natural disasters; and

  WHEREAS, the Florida National Guard has the responsibility to provide
  training support to law-enforcement personnel and community-based
  organizations relating to counter drug operations; and

  WHEREAS, the Florida National Guard must train to meet such
  responsibilities; and

  WHEREAS, the Florida National Guard is funded for any such training by
  budgetary appropriation or grants before any such training; and

  WHEREAS, the Florida National Guard must conduct such training in active
  service of the state, as defined by Section 250.27, Florida Statutes (also
  known as active military service and state active duty) for members of the
  Florida National Guard to be covered by Section 250.34, Florida Statutes;

  WHEREAS, as Governor, I may delegate the authority contained in Section
  250.06(4), Florida Statutes, to order training to help respond to civil
  disturbances, natural disasters, and counter drug operations to The
  General of the State of Florida; and

  WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the State of Florida that I
  such authority, so that the Florida National Guard is adequately trained
  meet its obligation to help respond to civil disturbances, natural
  disasters, and counter drug operations and so that members of the Florida
  National Guard performing such training are covered by Section 250.34,
  Florida Statutes; and

  WHEREAS, the Governor may order the Florida National Guard to provide
  extraordinary support to law enforcement upon request and such a request
  been received from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to
  assist FDLE in performing port security training and inspections.

  NOW, THEREFORE, I, JEB BUSH, as Governor of Florida, by virtue of the
  authority vested in me by Article IV, Section 1(a) of the Florida
  Constitution, and by Section 250.06(4), Florida Statutes, and all other
  applicable laws, do hereby promulgate the following Executive Order, to
  immediate effect:

  Section 1.

  Based upon the foregoing, I hereby find that the public welfare requires
  that the Florida National Guard train to support law-enforcement personnel
  and emergency-management personnel in the event of civil disturbances or
  natural disasters and to provide training support to law-enforcement
  personnel and community-based organizations relating to counter drug

  Section 2.

  I hereby delegate to The Adjutant General of the State of Florida all
  necessary authority, within approved budgetary appropriations or grants,
  order members of the Florida National Guard into active service, as
  by Section 250.27, Florida Statutes, for the purpose of training to
  law-enforcement personnel and emergency-management personnel in the event
  civil disturbances or natural disasters and to provide training support to
  law-enforcement personnel and community-based organizations relating to
  counter drug operations.

  Section 3.

  The Florida National Guard may order selected members on to state active
  duty for service to the State of Florida pursuant to Section 250.06(4),
  Florida Statutes, to assist FDLE in performing port security training and
  inspections. Based on the potential massive damage to life and property
  may result from an act of terrorism at a Florida port, the necessity to
  protect life and property from such acts of terrorism, and inhibiting the
  smuggling of illegal drugs into the State of Florida, the use of the
  National Guard to support FDLE in accomplishing port security training and
  inspections is "extraordinary support to law enforcement" as used in
  250.06(4), Florida Statutes.

  Section 4.

  The Adjutant General shall not place members of the Florida National Guard
  into active service for longer than necessary to accomplish the purposes
  declared herein.

  Section 5.

  This Executive Order supersedes Executive Order Number 01-17. Executive
  Order Number 01-17 is hereby revoked.

  Section 6.

  This Executive Order shall remain in full force and effect until the
  of its revocation or June 30, 2003.

  IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have caused the
  Seal of the State of Florida to be affixed at Tallahassee, the Capitol,
  7th day of September 2001.

  (Emergency Management)

  WHEREAS, on September 11, 2001 a combination of persons unknown carried
  a series of terrorist acts resulting in the destruction of the World Trade
  Center in New York City and an explosion at the Pentagon, costing the
  of many persons and resulting in injuries to many more; and

  WHEREAS, the scale of the destruction and the coordination, orchestration,
  and timing evident in these acts of terrorism suggest that they may be
  of a larger pattern of acts of terrorism; and

  NOW, THEREFORE, I, JEB BUSH, as Governor of Florida, by virtue of the
  authority vested in me by Article IV, Section 1(a) of the Florida
  Constitution and by the Florida Emergency Management Act, as amended, and
  all other applicable laws, do hereby promulgate the following Executive
  Order, to take immediate effect:

  Section 1.

  Because of the foregoing conditions, I hereby declare that a state of
  emergency exists in the State of Florida. I further find that the
  precautions needed to protect the State from a recurrence of such
  acts require a coordination of efforts by a number of agencies, and that
  central authority over these activities will be needed to ensure such

  Section 2.

  I hereby delegate to the Department of Law Enforcement the operational
  authority to coordinate and direct the law enforcement resources and other
  resources of any and all state, regional and local governmental agencies
  that the Department may designate to take the precautions needed to
  the State of Florida from terrorist acts. I hereby place all law
  resources under the operational authority of the Department of Law
  Enforcement while this Executive Order remains in effect, and I hereby
  designate the Commissioner of the Department of Law Enforcement as
  Commander for this emergency.

  Section 3.

  I hereby designate the Interim Director of the Division of Emergency
  Management as the State Coordinating Officer for the duration of this
  emergency, and as my Authorized Representative. In exercising the powers
  delegated by this Executive Order, the State Coordinating Officer shall
  all available operational support to the Commissioner of the Department of
  Law Enforcement, and shall confer with the Governor to the fullest extent
  practicable. In accordance with Sections 252.36(1)(a) and 252.36(5),
  Statutes, I hereby delegate to the State Coordinating Officer the
  powers, which he shall exercise as needed to meet this emergency:

  The authority to activate the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan;

  The authority to invoke and administer the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement,
  and the further authority to coordinate the allocation of resources under
  that Agreement so as best to meet this emergency;

  The authority to invoke and administer the Emergency Management Assistance
  Compact and other Compacts and Agreements existing between the State of
  Florida and other States, and the further authority to coordinate the
  allocation of resources from such other States that are made available to
  the State of Florida under such Compacts and Agreements so as best to meet
  this emergency;

  The authority to distribute any and all supplies stockpiled to meet the

  The authority to suspend the effect of any statute or rule governing the
  conduct of state business, and the further authority to suspend the effect
  of any order or rule of any governmental entity, to include, without
  limiting the generality of the foregoing, any and all statutes and rules
  which affect budgeting, printing, purchasing, leasing, procurement, and
  conditions of employment and the compensation of employees; provided,
  however, that the State Coordinating Officer shall have authority to
  the effect of any statute, rule or order only to the extent necessary to
  ensure the timely performance of vital emergency response functions;

  The authority to relieve any and all state agencies responsible for
  processing applications or petitions for any order, rule, or other final
  action subject to the Administrative Procedure Act, as amended, from the
  deadlines specified in that Act and in other applicable laws for the
  duration of this emergency, if the State Coordinating Officer finds that
  such deadlines cannot be met because of this emergency;

  The authority to direct all state, regional and local governmental
  including law enforcement agencies, to identify personnel needed from
  agencies to assist in meeting the needs created by this emergency, and to
  place all such personnel under the direct command of the State
  Officer to meet this emergency;

  The authority to seize and utilize any and all real or personal property
  needed to meet this emergency, subject always to the duty of the State to
  compensate the owner;

  The authority to order the evacuation of any or all persons from any
  location in the State of Florida, and the authority to regulate the
  of any or all persons to or from any location in the State;

  The authority to regulate the return of the evacuees to their home
  communities; and

  The authority to designate such Deputy State Coordinating Officers as the
  State Coordinating Officer may deem necessary to cope with the emergency.

  Section 4.

  I hereby order the Adjutant General to activate the Florida National Guard
  for the duration of this emergency, and I hereby place the National Guard
  under the direction of the State Coordinating Officer for the duration of
  this emergency.

  Section 5.

  In accordance with Sections 252.36(5)(a) and 252.46(2), Florida Statutes,
  all statutes, rules and orders are hereby suspended for the duration of
  emergency to the extent that literal compliance with such statutes, rules,
  and orders may be inconsistent with the timely performance of emergency
  response functions.

  Section 6.

  I hereby give all agencies with employees certified by the American Red
  Cross as disaster service volunteers within the meaning of Section
  110.120(3), Florida Statutes, the authority to release any such employees
  for such service as requested by the American Red Cross as needed to meet
  the emergency.

  IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great
  of the State of Florida to be affixed, at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this
  11th day of September, 2001.

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