Re: WTC event as a precipitating factor in anomalous REG datacollection?

From: Michael Wiik (
Date: Sun Sep 23 2001 - 08:23:03 MDT

"Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" <> wrote:

> I am forced to assume the same for this experiment, and will
> continue to do so unless and until the entire scientific community
> confirms it, or they come up with an experimental method that I can
> personally implement and verify.

Whatever. One thing I picked up from reading about micro-PK experiments
was that a persons attitude had a significant effect on results. Those
that tried too hard didn't get results outside of random chance. Those
that were relaxed and casually confident had better results.

Perhaps scientists and people especially prone to demanding strict
materialist reasons for everything exhude some sort of suppressor field.
Or, perhaps more likely, they suppress something deep within themselves,
within mental structures evolved over millions of years of evolution
that are not yet revealed to science.

Nonetheless, given the potential adverse effects of delaying the
singularity or super-AI, I would *not* recommend that you take a year
off from your research and study magick just so you might notice a
subtle increase in synchronicities. As I've said before, the effects
seem so subtle, and so difficult (imho) to repeat in any systematic way,
that I see little practical application, especially compared against the
things you (especially) might accomplish in that time.


Michael Wiik
Messagenet Communications Research
Washington DC Area Internet and WWW Consultants

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