NEWS: update on telomeres and aging

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Sat Sep 22 2001 - 21:13:41 MDT

June 15, 2001; University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, TX

A discovery by UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas scientists that genes 
near human telomeres can be silenced may help explain how and why humans age. 
Telomeres are repeating sequences of DNA located at the end of each
and are believed to function as a counting mechanism for cellular aging.
Dr. Jerry 
Shay and Dr. Woodring Wright, UT Southwestern professors of cell biology,
in today's issue of Science that human cells can exhibit Telomere Position
(TPE), a mechanism by which genes near telomeres can be turned off, and
that the 
strength of gene silencing is proportional to the length of nearby
telomeres. Shay and 
Wright, along with collaborators at UT Southwestern, have previously shown
human cells age each time they divide because their telomeres shorten.
After a finite 
number of cell divisions -- when telomeres become short -- the cells stop
Most normal cells lack the enzyme telomerase, which maintains telomeres. 
Telomerase is activated in 90 percent of all cancers, in which cells
continue to divide 
at a high rate. Many diseases, including Down Syndrome, are characterized by 
premature aging. Further understanding of TPE could help researchers
discover how 
cellular aging contributes to the overall aging process.  "This is an
important step in 
trying to explain the connection between telomere shortening and aging,"
Shay said. 
"Normal cells will only grow for a limited time. They grow for a while, and
then they 
go through a process called senescence, or aging. We wanted to know about the 
molecular memory. Are cells counting how many times they divide? We believe
telomeres are the molecular memory." 
The researchers incorporated a piece of DNA containing a luciferase (the
that allows fireflies to emit light) gene into human cells and showed that
if it became 
located at the telomere, there was ten times less luciferase activity than
if it was 
located in the  middle of a chromosome. They also found an even greater
in luciferase activity if they used telomerase to make the telomeres grow
"We knew that when telomeres became too short, they caused cells to stop
but there wasn't a mechanism for how a cell could sense how long its
telomeres were 
before they became too short. TPE can do that. It can let a cell know how
old it is, so 
that it could change its behavior before it became senescent," Wright said.
 TPE could 
help explain the differences between young and old cells. For example, if
there were 
"aging" genes next to telomeres, they would be silent when the cells were
young. As 
the cells aged and continued to divide, their telomeres would shorten; the
silencing of 
the genes would be reversed; and the "aging" genes activated. 
The researchers are now looking for naturally occurring human genes located
near telomeres 
whose expression is influenced by telomere length. Joseph A. Baur, a UT
student research assistant in cell biology, and Dr. Ying Zou, a UT
Southwestern cell biology 
Fellow, also were involved in the research. Shay and Wright's earlier
research has shown 
that telomerase causes human cells grown in the laboratory to retain their
"youth" and 
continue to divide long past the time when they normally would have stopped
This discovery is making the use of normal cells for tissue engineering and
therapeutic uses much easier. 
The investigators' Web site can be found at

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