Re: Choosing one's fights, was Re: George W. Bush's Speech onSeptember 20, 2001

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Sat Sep 22 2001 - 14:06:49 MDT

On Sat, 22 Sep 2001, Michael M. Butler wrote:

> Well, so you say. Thanks. I must take you literally here--you mean to
> say that you read the piece and decided the final phrase abnegated the

I wasn't referring to your mail (sheit, I can't even consciously recall
it). It was just a random piece of the recent mail niagara having been
cascading through my inbox. (I'm still backlogged).

> other content. Too bad; I thought you might have more of a sense of
> proportion. It's me, Michael Butler, here, 'gene. Don't we know each
> other, a little, after all this time on the list?

Yes. No. People have been behaving strangely lately. Recent days haven't
brought out the best argumentation and the best motives out so far.

> I can at least remember to ask the question every time I *don't* get a
> boatload of other troublesome signals. YMMV.

> The key, it seems to me, is to come to know one's speakers. That takes
> the establishment of a relationship, over time.

So many speakers, so little time. I know Michael M. Butler, I don't know
Joe R. Doe.

-- Eugen* Leitl leitl
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