Re: Thanbks to Greg Burch; text of my signature to "" petition

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Fri Sep 21 2001 - 19:13:37 MDT

Mike Linksvayer wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 06:54:46AM -0700, Michael M. Butler wrote:
> > Center for Compassion & Liberty
> And I'd always assumed 'comp-lib' meant computer library or something.

*chortle* Some people think it means "Computer Lib".

> > It is obvious that if the _profit in illegal drugs_ is
> > cut to nothing, those who seek to finance terror
> > will have a much harder time doing so.
> Yep. (the current Drug Reform
> Coordination Network newsletter, highly recommended) has many
> interesting reactions to 9/11 from drug reformers. Some seem wary
> of calling out the WoD-terrorism link, unfortunately IMO.

Tough fuckin' titty. It's time to keep a steady eye on the Emperor's
wardrobe, warts and all. The WO(s)D can't be won in a humanitarian
way without treating users and peasant producers like human beings.
This of course is indecipherable to primitive thinkers as anything
but their worst nightmare. They need to be told that they are wrong.
Loudly, and often. There is no better time than now.

> > God bless us all.
> Unfortunately, quite a few people seem to have found or rediscovered
> their belief in a god/higher power in the aftermath of this tragedy.
> I've been trying to find a label for people who have such a belief
> but don't believe in the mythology of any specific religion.
> "Non-creedal theist" or "non-denominational theist" might work,
> though I get the impression that [non]creedal and [non]denominational
> have fairly specific meanings among protestant christians.
> "Non-religious theist" or plain "theist" don't sound right either,
> as religiousness and theism appear to be synonyms.

Well, try THIS on for size: I might mean that if we are living in
a simulation, I am hopeful that we have a piece of the puzzle which was
set for us, and that reality will reflect this in time. And that we'll
be "played out with music" at the end.

Speaking only for myself:
I'm still an agnostic, and I still talk about God as shorthand.
If that trips someone's Big Hairy Sky Thunderer buttons, it's
not my problem. You are welcome to think of it as an endearing
eccentricity. Paging Humpty Dumpty...


"When I make a word work hard like that, I always pay it extra."
--H. Dumpty

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