RE: WTC and Low Tech

From: Barbara Lamar (
Date: Fri Sep 21 2001 - 10:27:49 MDT

 Spike Jones wrote:

> Actually it is a bit surprising that tall building do not
> have some means of emergency escape other than stairways
> which might be aflame.

I've always thought this was a strange oversight as well--akin to not
putting enough lifeboats on the TITANIC. People who live in houses with two
or more stories typically have rope ladders stowed under the beds, and city
codes used to require that tall buildings have external fire escapes. I've
always felt somewhat at risk whenever I've slept in a hotel room above the
second floor level.

I wish I were seeing more common-sense safety ideas like Spike's and less of
the retoric that offers an either-or choice between vulnerability and loss
of privacy.


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