Scientist Joy?

From: stencil (
Date: Wed Sep 19 2001 - 07:06:57 MDT

New Perspectives
(, referred to
in extropians-digest V6 #259) refers to Bill Joy by his
corporate title, but in the generalizing lower case. He
paid for the Bigelow on the floor, so he can paint what he
wants on the office door, but if it was Chief Incandescent
Turnip he still wouldn't cast enough light to read by.
His official biography
paints a man with an extaordinarily powerful mind of the
creative ordering sort - one thinks of William F. Gibbs or
Colin Kelly - - but I'm not at all convinced that he earns
his bread by doing science.
Now that we are under assault by a saint of the old order,
should we have to endure subversion by a self-styled saint
of the newer dispensation?

stencil sends

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