Re: cultural myth was Re:TERRORISM: the most implausible scenario

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 19:00:01 MDT

On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 04:45:13PM -0700, jeff davis wrote:
> I see a completely different world than that portrayed
> by the media, and by the average American (based on
> what I perceive to be his/her view) .
> The media promotes and reinforces a certain view of
> the world which I refer to as the cultural myth. The
> ruling elites (global oligarchy, ruling class, rich
> and powerful--call them what you will) own the
> overwhelming bulk of the media, and promulgate, within
> their reach, that view which most effectively serves
> their interests.

Have you ever wondered how much of this view, your own view, is also a
cultural myth? After all, it is also reinforced by a large group of
people who have a vested interest in appearing to be supporting the
underdog against the Powers That Be and are well represented in the
media. The idea that it is just a matter of elites versus each other and
the oppressed/misled masses is after all a very comforting one, since it
provides a big narrative where experiences can be neatly categorized and
an ethical polarity placing the viewer on a higher ground than the
otherwise ascendant elites - in short, if you start believing in it, it
will be self reinforcing too.

Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
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