Re: TERRORISM: the most implausible scenario

Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 10:15:29 MDT

Robert writes:
> First, I want to preface the discussion by explaining to list
> members that over the last 6-8 years I've spent an extensive
> amount of time (20-30% of my life) in Russia. That experience has
> fundamentally changed my American perspective that everything is as
> it "appears to be" to one of doubt, suspicion and questioning that
> everything is *not* as it appears to be.

Unfortunately the Russian perspective does not seem to be a very
successful way to approach life. Look at all the difficulty they have
had in putting together cooperative social institutions, both before and
after the fall of communism. Distrust, suspicion, envy and resentment
seem to be part of the Russian culture today. The resulting worldview
is paranoid and hostile. These are not modes of thought which are
beneficial for anyone to adopt.


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