Re: TERRORISM: Seriousness and potential strategies

From: Michael Wiik (
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 12:18:10 MDT

What if:

A superintelligent AI tells us that terrorism could be stopped almost
completely -- or at least, stopped in the U.S. -- by the killing of half
a dozen people, say three of whom would be totally innocent. (Consider
perhaps a younger sister or niece of a ringleader. Assume if the
ringleader is killed he's replaced by another, while if his niece is
killed it's the last straw in a slow but inexorable ongoing process of
transforming the terrorist into a peacemaker, who dismantles his
organization and has the memetic influence to sway others against

It'd never fly. We'd rather kill thousands.


Michael Wiik
Messagenet Communications Research
Washington DC Area Internet and WWW Consultants

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