Re: WTC Insurance

From: Phil Blake (
Date: Sun Sep 16 2001 - 19:56:25 MDT

>> One thing I have not seen mentioned by anyone is insurance. All of
>> the
>> insurance policies I have seen specifically exclude war and acts of
>> terrorism. As far as I know, none of the damage is covered by
>> insurance,
>> none of the equipment or losses will be reimbursed, and none of the
>> life
>> insurance policies will be honored. Does anybody have more specific
>> information about the insurance industry's response to this?

During times of WAR casino's remain open and honor winnings. Casino's
have always provided better policies, ethics and payouts than insurance
companies so you're better off gambling with a casino than an insurance

I've never understood why people find it unusual that insurance
companies won't honor anything that they don't feel like at the time.
When you pay someone because you're scared (ie. blackmail, protection
money, insurance) you'd have to be a complete moron to believe the
people you're giving it to have your interests at heart.

Next time an insurance salesscum drops by your house tell him: "Have I
got a deal for you! If you give me money every day and I get robbed,
I'll assess what I want to replace and take case of it myself... What do
you mean that's stupid... what deal are you offering me?"

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