Re: An Essay from an Afghan-American

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Sun Sep 16 2001 - 13:04:20 MDT

Dan Clemmensen wrote:
> Samantha Atkins wrote:
> > This is a very good piece. I question one thing though. Why do
> > we have to move the troops through Pakistan? Can we airdrop
> > enough troops and supplies for what needs to be done?
> In a word: No. It is essentially impossible to sustain a ground
> operation by air-drop (i.e. parachute) or even by airlift (i.e.,
> building or capturing runways) unless your supply base is very
> nearby or the operation is tiny. "Amateurs study tactics.
> Professionals study logistics." Take a look at a map. Notice
> how far Afghanistan (and specifically Kabul and the Kandahar)
> are from anywhere except Pakistan. Note that cargo aircraft
> cannot take off and land from aircraft carriers. Remember the
> Gulf war? The US spent six months building up the supply base.

"Hello, Russia? You're still on good terms with your Turkmen state,
right? Well, we were wondering if we could use your already-
established bases on its southern border as our supply depot. Oh, and
all those troops you have just sitting around, waiting for something to
do to prove Russian military might? Well, we were wondering if they'd
mind being our main infantry. We'll bring the air force, and armor to
suppliment what you have. We'll also ask Iran if they want in, but
you're closer to Afghanistan's capital and a *lot* more reliable than
Pakistan - though we will offer Pakistan help sealing their borders,
since they do seem to want out of this fight as much as possible. Or
maybe we'll ask India to help there: they could use an excuse to
improve diplomatic relations with Pakistan, and working shoulder-to-
shoulder to keep war from spilling over would certainly help.

"Oh, and if things turn to the *do* still have a few nukes
you can point at them, close enough that they'd hit before their
targets could be informed of the launch, right? Yes, yes, we'll be
bringing what anti-missile defenses we have in case they have some
nukes too."

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