Re: Rebuild the World Trade Center

From: Dan Clemmensen (
Date: Sun Sep 16 2001 - 10:37:16 MDT

Miriam English wrote:

> Parachutes or paragliders, rope bridges to nearby buildings...
> But I still favor the idea of building down instead of up. Tall
> buildings always seemed a dumb idea since Towering Inferno. If you want
> a great view put an eiffel tower kind of structure up there and make it
> twice the height of the WTC buildings.

Miriam, if you were a terrorist, would you find it easier to attack
a 100-story hole in the ground or a 100-story tower? If you were
an office worker, would you prefer to evacuate from the 100th
floor of a tower or from the 100th sub-basement? In Manhattan,
remember that the third sub-basement is below the level of the
Hudson river.

Off the top of my head I can think of at least ten horrible
ways to kill all the people in a big hole in the ground. I'm
glad you brought the subject up. I've now thought about it
and I know that I never want to work in such an office.

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