Re: Impact on history

Date: Sun Sep 16 2001 - 09:29:30 MDT

Hello (Mike Lorrey),

In reference to your comment:

è THis is the force initiation principle at work. We never
è hurt the afghan people, in fact, we supported them in
è their fight against an oppressor for ten years with
è hundreds of millions of dollars. They turn around and
è allow a government like the Taliban to decide that we,
è their allies, are the enemy. So, this is not a case of us
è just killing a people we have never met, never had any
è beef with. We helped them, they turn around and
è betray us and host a group on their soil that attacks
è us. In the muslim world, if your house guest commits a
è crime against your neighbor, you are responsible for
è that crime.

Yes we against the Soviets, and the Al Qeda Movement seeks to reverse 500
years of Islamic Political Decline, with the United States as the "Great

>>This is also a responsibility issue. Many, if
è not most, muslim nations tend to hold, to a greater or
è lesser degree, to the idea that attacks on muslim
è nations by infidels are attacks on all, that allowing
è infidel armies into muslim lands, even in defense of a
è muslim nation, is an affront to Islam (this is the whole
è basis for bin Laden's arguments that have gained
è credence among the common people of the muslim
è world). If this is so, then it is up to muslim nations to
è be responsible for the defense of muslim nations, AND
è for the policing of their own. The Taliban, and bin
è Laden, exist because muslim nations around the world
è allow them to exist. If they truly believe that western
è armies should stay out of muslim nations, they should
è take care of this problem themselves.

They are thug governments.

>> I hope that plenty of muslims realize what they, in their collective
è responsibility, have done to the world. Unfortunately, I
è doubt it. From all experience, it seems they are quite
è enamored of the classic sort of criminal rationalization:
è killing a hostage, and blaming the negotiator "see what
è you made me do?". This is a consistent excuse
è through Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, and elsewhere.

Its a fact that we all must have to deal with. And yes I suspect the American
government and people will not have the focus to basically, replace Middle
eastern governments that participate in this kind of mentality. Schools would
have to be closed and our propaganda would have to replace Islamist
propaganda with secular "propaganda", as was done in post-war Japan and
Germany. We will strike at and defeat Bin Ladin, and declare it victory and
like Mike says, they will hit us next time with antrax, sarin, nuclear. The
reaction then, as Mike indicated, will be a less-free, society.

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