Re: Somewhat Extropic Muslims

From: Dan Clemmensen (
Date: Sun Sep 16 2001 - 08:48:00 MDT

Mike Linksvayer wrote:

> At one time extropic thought was relatively hard to find in the
> west. Now it's relatively hard to find in the Muslim world. I
> set out to find a little. A few links you may enjoy:
> Freethought (former?) Muslims, serious to extremely irreverent:
> Libertarian Muslims:
> Free market think tanks:
> Turkey
> Bangladesh

Should the Extropians, as an organization, contact these folks?
This is a cross between the friendship-as-patriotism meme at
the physical level and a broader attempt to avoid demonizing
Islam as a whole for the acts of its extremists. We may decide
that Extropy is not quite the appropriate organization for this,
since Mike says these folks are in the "somewhat" category. Perhaps
those of us who are also members of more conventional groups
should work through those groups instead. (I'm a non-joiner,
so I don't qualify.)

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