RE: Sleepers, a possible solution.

From: Sean Kenny (
Date: Sat Sep 15 2001 - 16:53:07 MDT

Is this not what most people do anyway?

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Greg Burch
> Sent: 15 September 2001 23:12
> To:
> Subject: Re: Sleepers, a possible solution.
> I don't usually post "me, too" posts, but I have to say this is
> 1) brilliant
> and 2) brilliantly written.
> I would suggest only one addition:
> > Be especially nice to people from the Middle East for a while
> > they could infiltrate the enemy and they might be willing to if
> > people treat them respectfully and ask them nicely.
> Maintaining the same tone, I would put it:
> "Be especially nice to people from the Middle East for a while. Innocents
> who come from or whose parents came from this region need the
> friendship of
> others more than ever now, and, they could infiltrate the enemy and they
> might be willing to if people treat them respectfully and ask
> them nicely."
> William, may I pass this on? I STRONGLY encourage you to send this to as
> many publications as possible. I will post it far and wide.
> Greg Burch
> Vice-President, Extropy Institute
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "I William Wiser" <>
> To: "Extropians" <>; "Exi-Bay" <>
> Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 3:31 PM
> Subject: Sleepers, a possible solution.
> > There are terrorists living in this country.
> > Many terrorists may belong to a particular culture or "race".
> > The situation is similar to driving a car of the same type
> > recently used by a bank robber in your community.
> > We do not want the bank robber to walk around unquestioned
> > and we do not want to hassle innocent people.
> > Here is a simple solution.
> >
> > Befriend the people you are suspicious of.
> > Be nice to them. Get to know them. Invite them to dinner.
> > If you spend enough time befriending someone you will
> > eventually figure out if the are friend, foe, or neutral.
> > Sometimes you will find out that your suspicions were silly.
> > Other times you will find your suspicions reasonable but wrong.
> > Keep getting to know them until you feel comfortable or scared.
> >
> > If you find nothing to worry about you have made a friend
> > (or been bored for a few hours and made an acquaintance).
> > If you find more and more things that worry you, talk to other
> > friends and get other people to come and be friendly with the
> > person. If you are feeling wary be a little careful but stay
> > friendly and respectful. If you are certain of guilt and feel at
> > risk do what you need to do.
> >
> > If someone does not want to be friendly with you that does not
> > mean they are a terrorists, they may dislike you, they may be
> > a hermit. Get other people to try. If they don't want to be friends
> > with anyone you know and trust, then keep yours eyes on them
> > until you figure out whether or not they are dangerous. The whole
> > time, be nice, friendly, respectful, etc. It will not hurt you much to
> > be a little nice to a bad person (as long as you are careful). You
> > will do no real harm to the hermit or jerk. You will be doing
> > a good thing for nice people who just happen to superficially
> > resemble people you fear.
> >
> > It is hard for terrorists to infiltrate a community. It is easy for
> > terrorists to infiltrate a paranoid or insensitive society.
> >
> > Be especially nice to people from the Middle East for a while
> > they could infiltrate the enemy and they might be willing to if
> > people treat them respectfully and ask them nicely.
> >
> > If anyone has feedback or ideas for further refining or practicing
> > these concepts let me know. Feel free to spread the idea or this
> > post around. I think it is a good concept.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Will
> >
> > I. William Wiser []
> > Life Extension and Quality of Life Consultant
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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