Re: Rotting in hell (was: Re: World Trade Center taken out.)

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 17:25:25 MDT

Damien Broderick wrote:
> At 07:10 AM 9/12/01 -0700, Brian D Williams wrote:
> >Yesterday was the last straw for me, whatever happens to the
> >palestinians after yesterday they deserve in full. They can rot in
> >hell next to the people who attacked us yesterday.
> I hope you'll rethink this. Children in Palestinian schools stood for a
> minute's silence in respect for the American dead. Palestinians,
> reportedly, have lined to give blood for the victims. They know only too
> well what it's like to be victimized in their own lands.

They are well experienced in orchestrating propaganda ploys.

I believe there is a change when they stop preaching hate propaganda in
Palestinian schools. After that minute of silence, I'm sure they went on
to harangue the kids about how evil jews and America is, that they got
what they deserved, etc etc etc and how great it is to be a martyr (a
standard tenet of their curriculum).

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