Re: TERRORISM: looking for solutions

From: Mike Linksvayer (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 14:01:59 MDT

On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 11:51:27AM -0400, Mike Lorrey wrote:
> The countries that are targeted for terrorism are those who have been
> most active in combatting it

I think you have causality reversed here.

> and spreading ideas of liberty, freedom,
> and individual rights, which are anathema to the sort of control freaks
> with anti-liberty mindsets.

How does that explain extensive terrorist attacks on the soil of
Russia, Columbia, or Israel, for instance? I wouldn't say any of
these countries have done much spreading of individualism and
liberty. To the contrary.

Terrorists don't care who stands for freedom, individual rights,
capitalism, or reason. They have much more specific and primal

> Anyone who thinks the Taliban are to be considered agents of freedom are
> seriously deranged.

As is anyone who thinks that anyone outside of the militant Islamist
community considers the Taliban agents of freedom.

  Mike Linksvayer

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