message from someone else

From: Miriam English (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 11:45:40 MDT

Hi all,

I think it would be useful to see what was written by a woman in France.
She posted to Faces, a women's list that I have been subscribed to for some
years now. English is not her native language so please be patient. She has
some important insights to give.


         - Miriam


Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 17:13:28 +0200
Subject: [faces] we are all arabicans

Dear faces

I hope you and your friends and relatives are all safe. And I want to
virtually hug all those who are in NY and Manhattan. I hope you can cope
with this nightmare. I hardly can though I am far away, in a tiny french
village with no TV. Until today I was shocked, sick, my body and brain
aching. Properly out of my shoes.

Because, apart from the human drama, since this terrible 911 day, I've been
trying to hear something through the endless loop distillated by mass-medias.

But I did not hear it. At least until today.

The rest of the net I know, my tribe as Rachel said, seems to have disappeared.

The scream of silence hurts.

I read this "something" here, and only here. Not a fear, but a deep concern.
About what has happened, but above all about what is going to or could happen
and must not happen. Not looking for the criminals and how to punish them, but
caring about the victims, actual and future.

Maybe I am too demanding but why are the announced multitudes so silent? Is
it too early? Too early to say to all those fierce leaders that we don't
want eye for eye and blood for blood.

Too early to say that we are all arabs, or arabicans, and we are not
dancing on dead bodies. These images of Palestine are part of the
media-war-machine. They are nothing but a small part of reality, the rest
beeing dissimulated, erased, because it does not serve the propaganda. In a
smart intended counter effect, Arafat gave his blood and the image was this
morning in our newspapers and we learned that hundreds of palestinians have
done the same. Does this information reach american homes ?

People on the radio here start talking of the obvious guilty behavior of
arab kids. And of the importance of not overreacting and not assimilating
groups of fanatics and islamic countries. But at the same time, USA already
has NATO"blanc-seing", comforted by yesterday polls figures, done and
published in emergency. The question was "are you supporting the
americans?" Of course the answer was 90 something %. Today's polls question
was "are you against a possible extension of the conflict?" the answer of
course was 80% yes. What would be the answer to "Are you aware that the
modification of NATO's article 5 is a possible extension of the conflict?"

Is it too early or already too late to say that we don't want NATO to
decide in place of United Nations. We want states to sit around a table and
find a solution not enhance the problem. And before our leaders decide, we
want them to take the public opinions into account.We don't want any
Restore Desert Storm, because we have no economical and human interests
into it.

We all know who we oppose, whatever we call it: militaro-industrial complex,
corporate globalisation, ultra-liberalism, capitalism, or else. So why are we
not all standing and asking for what we want, for what is necessary and maybe
even not sufficient to preserve what is left from our blue orange: peace
and equity.

Am I such a dreamer? Can we do it ? If not what else ? Europe is marching
as one man behind US. Whatever "they" decide to strike, they will
strengthen global surveillance, they will snoop every possible thing, they
will assimilate those who are not pro-global economy to anti-americans or
"anti-civilized", therefore pro-terrorists. Sorry Nathalie to be
pessimistic but Cybercrime treaties and such will be very convenient to
discourage, dismantle and neutralize those who plead and manifest for
another world. And point at them not as political opponents but trouble
makers and criminals. I am exagerating a bit the trait, maybe, but not so much.

As Joelle Palmieri put it
>how can we oppose to this war atmosphere?
> i think that we have to enter in a resistance phasis.

I do too, and I would add quickly
Sorry for beeing so long and I hope my english is good enough not to induce
misunderstandings on such complex matters.

Warm hugs to you on the other side of the Atlantic


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