Re: World Trade Center taken out: hope to gain?

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Tue Sep 11 2001 - 22:05:53 MDT

>From: "Robert Coyote" <>

>What the hell can they hope to
>Brownie points with Allah?
>a sense of superiority to counter there sense of righteous indignant

Let us not forget - misery loves company. Israel has been slaughtering
palestinians for years and the US has been routinely bombing Iraq with
impunity. When someone pokes you in the eye, it feels good to poke them
back - even if you both end up blind.

What do they get out of it? Did you see the riotous celebrations in the
streets of Palestine? That's what they get. A sense that they have the
power, occasionally, to hit back.


"I'm a seeker too. But my dreams aren't like yours. I can't help thinking
that somewhere in the universe there has to be something better than man.
Has to be." -- George Taylor _Planet of the Apes_ (1968)

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