Re: Singularity: can't happen here

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Mon Sep 10 2001 - 23:27:01 MDT

>From: Charlie Stross <>

>I'd like to add: if there are any US copyright experts on the list,
>I'd like to get some fact-checking opinions on my copy before I file
>it (a week on Monday).

I'm a US lawyer. Copyright law isn't my main focus, but I'm fairly informed
and up to date on it. If no one else has already volunteered, you can send
it to me and I'll take a look at it.


"I'm a seeker too. But my dreams aren't like yours. I can't help thinking
that somewhere in the universe there has to be something better than man.
Has to be." -- George Taylor _Planet of the Apes_ (1968)

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