Re: Fw: Back to Serfs and Royalty?

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Sep 02 2001 - 17:57:17 MDT

> >> > From: Spike Jones: No
> >self respecting executive would work for 140k (or 400k). spike
> Tiberius Gracchus wrote: The people who run for president (and get the Dem/GOP
> nominations) are *driven* to acheive. These people have inculcated in them by their
> parents a drive to perform public service and/or achieve greatly. The
> money...not a real concern. I offer Gore & Bush as PERFECT
> examples....

Does the current occupant of the White House fit this theory? {8^D
History may well remember him as the accidental president.

I have had personal contact with two presidents of Lockhee.dMartin,
either of which would surely have faaaar outperformed either of the
candidates for US president in 2000. I have had personal
contact with three flag rank military officers, any one of which
would have been a faaar better choice for that office. Lets face
it Americans, last time around we had a choice between two
losers. Of course the presidency would have been a major
pay cut for the LM officers, but a raise for the general/admirals.

Your point is noted, Tiberius, that salary isnt a major consideration
for those running for the top offices. spike

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