Re: Herding Extropycats [was Shame on Australia]

From: Charlie Stross (
Date: Sun Sep 02 2001 - 15:35:51 MDT

On Sun, Sep 02, 2001 at 01:55:00PM -0700, Reason wrote:
> By *your* British norms, you mean; I can't say that I think you speak for
> everyone. I'm British (or rather English, if we're going to be elitist about
> our accidental birth locations) and pretty much an objectivist. Barking mad,
> I am not. You could certainly walk into any half-way decent chain bookstore
> in the UK and pick up a copy of Atlas Shrugged when I lived in the UK, five
> years or so ago.

How many other British objectivists do you know? And how mainstream are

This isn't to say that you should give two hoots what they think -- the
old adage about billions of flies, shit, and good taste springs to
mind -- but I'd be entertained to hear you assert that it's even a
remotely mainstream philosophy here.

-- Charlie

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