is global warming all bad? -was-age recession

From: Extropian Agro Forestry Ventures Inc. (
Date: Fri Aug 31 2001 - 00:31:27 MDT

I come from central north america USA/Canada- Saskatchewan/North
Dakota/Montana junction point.

A warm world, no polar caps, a bit more water to convert to living biomass
happening over say the next 60 years would be just fine. The idea that the
weather that we have had for the last 8000 years should or can continue
unchanged indefinitely is wishfull thinking. If technology can make life
more comfortable for humans and allow us to maintain cities or even land
masses where they would otherwise be under water that would be the way to

It would be fun to see if humanity can pull itself away from its constant
conflict long enough to save its collective hide. Let's hope that humans
don't become the casualty of the 2050 "Darwin Awards".

If the movie AI seeks to teach anything it would be that humanity or
intelligent consciousness will likely survive the test of time but darwinian
selection might make the physical form change dramatically.

Mike Lorrey wrote:

> Charlie Stross wrote:
> >
> > On Fri, Aug 31, 2001 at 02:02:27AM +1000, Miriam English wrote:
> > >
> > > Mind you they still don't seem to see global warming. [shakes head]
> >
> > I live in a country where nine of the ten hottest summers on record
> > have occured in the past decade. _Not_ believing in global warming
> > hereabouts puts you in the same company as the flat earthers and tin
> > foil hat brigade.
> As if nine years constitutes a geological or climatological era. I
> recall that many British are still quite convinced of the existence of
> fairies as well, and still believe in the innocence of Kim Philby, Klaus
> Fuchs, and the Rosenbergs, and still think that Joe Stalin was a decent
> chap.

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