Re: Being in bed with an elephant

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Fri Aug 24 2001 - 09:09:50 MDT

>From: "Lee Corbin" <>

>But on the other hand, non-U.S. posters to this list might try
>being a little more sympathetic to Americans. Sure, if you do
>give voice to some annoyances or resentments, you can naturally
>inspire an almost automatic defense mechanism. Isn't that to
>be expected?? But try to imagine actually having to *live*
>(at least conceptually) in the same country as Madonna, Mr. T.,
>Pat Robertson, tobacco farmers, Bill Clinton, Baywatch and McBeal
>TV, Microsoft, and so on, and not have a lovely huge ocean
>separating you from all that! That would be no picnic either!
>Surely any foreign person of refinement and taste will, if
>he or she stops to think about it, be rather grateful that
>most of these noxious influences can be thought of as *over
>there* rather than *right here*. Try to understand that for
>those of us living here---and being completely unable to do
>anything at all about some of these baleful phenomena---
>having also a comfortable standard of living is only just

I've always found the best way to avoid the annoyances you've
listed above is to turn off the T.V and pick up a good book.

As to anti-americanism I just consider the source.


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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"Joe Dees" <>
"Party of Citizens"<>

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