RE: DIET: Low carb report

From: Reason (
Date: Thu Aug 23 2001 - 14:51:05 MDT

--> Jerry Mitchell

> I agree, I tried this and went from 250lbs (I know... shhh) down to 200lbs
> in about 3 months! I was almost never hungry and got to eat all the great
> foods I love. My breakfast a lot of times was a nice bacon and
> cheese omelet
> with a bacon side (I LOVE bacon). My wife made some no carb
> chocolate mousse
> for when I got those sugar cravings. I cant rant or rave enough about how
> great this works! I'm shooting for 180 where Ill hold.

Extropian diet club, anyone? :)

I switched to a vegetarian, no sugar, no dairy, high fibre diet six months
ago or so. I dropped from a BMI of approaching 26 down to 22 in a couple of
months. I have to sleep a couple of hours less every day and no more
sugar-inspired mood swings either.

Unprocessed honey seems to work for sugar cravings when it just gets too
much. Doesn't take a lot of honey, and it does seem to be processed sugar
that really kills me.

Funnily enough, now that I'm on calorie restriction as well and (currently)
aiming (with mixed success, damn those houseguests) at 1600kcal/day, I'm
staying at a BMI of 22. My body seems to like being there. Odd and strange
but apparently eminently natural behavior.

But then the focus on weight is a distraction, I think. It's a useful
calibrating tool for finding out what level of calorie intake one should be
aiming for, but only up to a point. After that, you just keep refining the
menu and cutting down on the intake until you start losing too much. Bracket
the target :) Not that I'd advise attempting anything of the sort without
reading the literature first.

> P.S. Oh, I DONT exercise even though I should. I am hoping that I will get
> out of work and into the gym more soon. Still, 50lbs in 3 months without
> exercise is amazing! I calculate my target weight in a few more
> weeks. Wish me luck.

I get out and dance twice a week. Everyone should do that. Or bike to the
office every day. The benefits are too good not to.

Obligatory Longevity Meme stuff: I'd really like to put together some
articles on the effects of various diets from people who have tried them.
This is really basic, basic life extension stuff (right after "quit smoking,
you fool"), but visitors to the Meme need to see this stuff. At some point I
have to answer the "why should I eat this way" question for someone who is
going to respond most positively to a collection of testimonials.

Volunteers feel free to email me off-list on that topic. The same goes for
anyone who knows of such articles already online -- I know that there's one
buried in the Life Extension Foundation website, but damned if I can find
it. Now there's a group that needs Google to sort their site out.


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