RE: the term "eugenics"

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Wed Aug 22 2001 - 21:54:05 MDT

> So since the mindless *always* win these fights, who can suggest
> a good two-word phrase for a voluntary movement of people who
> favor obtaining for their children the best natural sperm or eggs
> that they can?
> Lee

If that is your aim, then "Eugenics" is not the word you want. From

euˇgenˇics (y-jnks)
n. (used with a sing. verb)
The study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled
selective breeding. 
Note "controlled selective breeding". ie: selecting the fittest members of a
generation, by given fitness criteria, and allowing only those chosen
members to breed.
The important point is that selective breeding is a centrally controlled
process. The breeders themselves do not make the choice about who breeds;
some external agency does. This is exactly the historical usage of the term.
On the other hand, obtaining the best genetic material for your children is
a more laudable goal. This implies a decentralised decision making process,
resting with the parents. If you accept that it is reasonable to make
fundamental decisions affecting the future of your children (a pretty big
part of a parent's job IMO), then it would fit in as one of a slew of
methods used by transhumanists/extropians to improve the potential of our
I'm not sure if I'd do it personally. I wonder if pre-conception genetic
modification of future generations of humans will make a pinch of
difference, beyond those mods required to stop kids from dying before we can
get full cell repair technology, etc etc. However, I can see how one might
reasonably choose this path of action. Fair enough.
But... it is not Eugenics! There is no need to saddle yourself with such an
inappropriate term, especially one that is (quite justifiably) so negatively
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