Re: FWD [forteana] Re: I. Q. Tests

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 08:58:21 MDT

"Terry W. Colvin" wrote:
> There was a boy in my grade school class (48 kids) who was
> generally regarded as mentally retarded. With radically the lowest
> I. Q. in the class (and probably the school), he never "passed" from
> one grade to the next, but was merely "transferred." There was no
> good evidence that he ever learned to read or write. All his test and
> quiz papers (I was row monitor) were long series of Xs.
> We all wondered what was to eventually become of him.
> A quarter-century later his construction company built a major
> hospital. I quite accidentally stumbled into the completion party at
> a local restaurant. He bought me food.
> I never paid the slightest attention to I. Q.s again, although
> I'd formerly burned incense at the shrine.
> George Wagner

Mob connections does tend to make up for such shortcomings...

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