Re: sanity, depression, death, madness

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Sun Aug 19 2001 - 01:52:55 MDT

On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 01:17:14PM +1000, Miriam English wrote:
> I am aware of the danger that depression in particular can pose, and may
> want to modify my slight tendency to that frame of mind. I very rarely get
> depressed. Unlike most people that I know, I'm optimistic almost all the
> time, but I do have rare fits of quite deep depression. It follows that if
> I live for hundreds, thousands, millions of years, if I don't have the
> depression thing patched then sooner or later I will experience a deep
> enough depression to cause me to break the slender thread which is my life.
> Ok, so fix that... end of problem. But one thing about that bothers me.
> Some of my best drawings have been done whilst in the grip of despair. It
> induces a strangely detached mind-set. If I eliminate that emotion then I
> eliminate its artistic benefits.

But isn't the artistic benefits due to the detachedmind-set rather than
the depression? So it would be a good idea to try to find ways of
recreating the mindset without the depression, or perhaps have a
"controlled depression" that one deliberately indulges in.

(In a similar manner, but less dramatic, I get better at set theory when
I have a cold, for some odd reason. :-)

> How do we minimise the dangers, but allow for the benefits to be explored?

I think that we need a deeper understanding of the mind in order to
truly reap the benefits of immortality. Being able to fix depression is
just a first order thing; we also want second order adjustments so that
the amount of emotions, creativity and unbalanced states become optimal
for human flourishing. I think that is a very complex problem, with many
individual solutions. Most likely there isn't any general solution, but
everybody has to design their own palette of mental states - it is
integral to the automorphing process we are performing as transhumans.

> The madness loop is harder to define, let alone solve. It is hard to see
> how circular memes could be solved for, but emotional frames of mind that
> are brought about by certain mixes of hormones could be. I can imagine a
> guardian angel program watching hormonal levels (the hormones would be
> simulated of course) and rebalancing them forcibly if they got stuck in a
> dangerous loop that lasted too long.

In one of my roleplaying settings had a world where mental states could
be redefined fairly easily. Hence addictions and loops were a common
danger. The local society solved it by having "The Psych Police", a
force of psychodesigners that regulary audition citizens, temporarily
putting them into a series of standardized rational mindsets so that
they can judge if they want to continue their lives as they did before
or switch to some more suitable mindset.

Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
GCS/M/S/O d++ -p+ c++++ !l u+ e++ m++ s+/+ n--- h+/* f+ g+ w++ t+ r+ !y

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