Re: The poisoned tree, was Re: Argument From Authority

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Fri Aug 17 2001 - 11:10:15 MDT

From: "Michael M. Butler" <>

> I just wrote:
> > In other words, if a hardcore creationist claims that Newtonian
mechanics is due
> > to the peculiar psychology of angels pushing planets around, is he
incapable of
> > producing correct calculations using G*M1*M2/r^2 ?
> In the spirit of full disclosure, and given Harvey's evident exasperation
as expressed
> in another thread (Olga should look into Sasquatch and that WWII bomber on
the moon?):
> I'll skip ahead [skip]."suspect".
> I wasn't so much baiting Harvey as trying to look into the issue of
"right, for the
> wrong reasons"--which I think is especially important when people are
using slippery
> words along with hidden agendas.

I have no hidden agendas: (1) I put my money on the scientific method; (2)
I'm an avowed infracaninophile.


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