question for Eugene Leitl (cryonics is a religion?)

From: John Grigg (
Date: Fri Aug 17 2001 - 01:56:25 MDT

Eugene Leitl wrote;
>As long as cryonics stays a religion, there will be >no science in it.

Eugene, please tell me what has to be done so cryonics in your view is NOT a religion! I really want to know.

Will the construction of the Timeship move us away from the "fringe science/religion" aspect? Or move us only closer, in a flashy Las Vegas way which will ultimately garner negative mass media attention?

I look forward to your answer.





On Thu, 16 Aug 2001 19:17:44  
 Eugene Leitl wrote:
>On Thu, 16 Aug 2001 wrote:
>> (Of course, even most of us signed up for cryonics aren't doing
>> anything about it either, and we are the ones who are most likely to
>> have to face consequences eventually for our inaction.)
>As long as cryonics stays a religion, there will be no science in it.
>Associating with apparent wackos is one of the surest ways to ruin a
>scientific career. Merely having signed up doesn't make you automatically
>belong to the solution set, in fact, arguably lots of vocal but misguided
>activists are hurting the case.
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