Re: SOCIETY: The privatization of public security in South America?

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Thu Aug 16 2001 - 17:34:04 MDT

I can confirm this phenomenon, but also that there is a different
relationship between robbers and their victims in those countries than
here. A business associate was in Rio visiting freinds when a robber
with a pistol entered the house (which was surrounded by a high wall and
alarmed gates) and robbed each person at gunpoint. Everyone quietly gave
the theif their money and jewelry, and the theif calmly left the
premises. Afterwards, my freind Andy asked why nobody defended
themselves, and they replied with shocked looks, "We just give them what
they want and they go away, and nobody gets hurt." In reaction to his
dumbfounded look, they asked, "How does it work in the US?"
Andy replied,"In the US, if you give them your money, they then shoot
you anyways, so nobody can ID them to police."

Carlos Gonzalia wrote:
> This is an interesting article, and the phenomenon it describes is a sad sign
> of the extent to which the upper classes increasingly see themselves as a
> completely separate entity from the rest of their countrymen when it comes to
> security issues. The article only addresses Brazil, where the situation is
> quite marked, but a similar development can be seen in Argentina and Chile
> to my best knowledge. Cheaper technologies for security are a big factor, of
> course, and perhaps the most interesting aspect of this for the list.
> -Carlos

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