Re: Transparency Rant

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed Aug 15 2001 - 07:52:02 MDT

From: "Zero Powers" <>

>Holy mackarel! That seems like an *awful* lot of trouble to go to
>just for a mere semblance of privacy. How in the heck does all
>that subterfuge benefit you? I am in derelict violation of each
>of those rules. I have a fist full of credit cards (all same name
>and address - except for separate personal and business cards); I
>use my ATM card for nearly *everything* (groceries, movie tickets,
>airline ticktes, etc.) I don't lie about my name, age, address,
>DOB, SSN, etc. And (horror of horrors) I try to use the
>same userid and password for every online registration I get (ISP,
>Hotmail, Yahoo, online banking,, paypal, etc., etc.)

Your kidding right? Or are we supposed to believe your real name is
"Zero Powers". Here you are advocating transparency yet you hide
behind a pseudonym.



Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
SBC/Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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"Joe Dees" <>
"Party of Citizens"<>

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