Fwd: CHIPSat, MTV, Mars, Micro Launches...

From: Miriam English (miriam@werple.net.au)
Date: Tue Aug 14 2001 - 09:37:54 MDT

Hi folks,

Thought a few other space nuts (like myself) might be interested in this.
SpaceDev is a commercial space exploration company. I have been on their
mailing list since 1997 when they went public. Many of their employees seem
to be NASA scientists. They have been doing some very cool work.


         - Miriam

>From: "Jim Benson" <Jim@SpaceDev.com>
>To: <miriam@werple.net.au>
>Subject: CHIPSat, MTV, Mars, Micro Launches...
>Sender: "Jim Benson" <Jim@SpaceDev.com>
>Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 23:29:29 -0700
>Reply-To: "Jim Benson" <postmaster@cx601762-a.pwy1.sdca.home.com>
>SPACE PROGRESS. I am greatly pleased by the progress SpaceDev is making in
>opening space for all humanity! We have not put out a "newsletter" for a
>long time, so there is a lot to tell you about.
>MTV. SpaceDev test fired its revolutionary miniature orbital Maneuvering
>and Transfer Vehicle (MTV). The 25 kg MTV is the smallest of the family of
>three, and is designed to move payloads from GTO to LEO or GEO with up to
>1600 m/s of delta-v. The MTV is optionally designed to perform on-orbit
>rendezvous, and with a universal payload interface, customer payloads can
>perform inspection, repair, refueling, robotic manipulation, science,
>earth observation, or operations on other orbiting satellites. More:
>CHIPSat. We are now assembling and testing the "flatsat" version of
>CHIPSat, the 70 kg microsat we are building for Berkeley. CHIPSat launches
>next May 15 - June 2. More: http://spacedev.com/products/earthorbit.html
>*** SURVEY *** SpaceDev and Sea Launch are working to provide inexpensive
>secondary Domestic launches for government and commercial users on a
>regular basis. We are currently performing a market survey of all those
>who need or might need smallsat launches. Please email me directly if you
>are a potential secondary launch candidate, and might want to have a tour
>of Sea Launch facilities. jim@spacedev.com
>MARS MSR. SpaceDev is part of an effort to define a wide variety of
>possible Mars Sample Return Missions, the most ambitious mission ever
>attempted by NASA. Details: http://spacedev.com/media/pressrelease/23apr01.html
>MARS MAV. SpaceDev ispart of a team exploring concepts for The Mars Sample
>Return's Ascent Vehicle. SpaceDev is analyzing propulsion possibilities
>for JPL for the possible use of our unique, advanced hybrid rocket motors
>to return samples of Mars to Earth.More:
>SBC & S-Band. We have taken delivery on our low-power 300 MIPS miniature
>single board space flight computers. We are now testing our innovative
>miniature S-Band transponder, jointly developed for us by Wireless Futures.
>HYBRIDS. A long string of successes in SpaceDev's development and test
>firing of hybrid rocket motor-based products has made SpaceDev a leader in
>the development of safe rocket motors for sub-orbital human space flight,
>and for orbital maneuvering vehicles. More:
>*** JOB OPENING *** Highly experienced aerospace sales engineer with
>existing network, to sell microsats and orbital maneuvering vehicles.
>Competitive salary, great bonuses & stock options. Email: jobs@spacedev.com
>WEBCAM. You are invited to drop in and see us in action (please call
>first), or visit us through our web cams: http://spacedev.com/webcam/index.htm
>PR. SpaceDev has engaged Investor and Public Relations people to assist in
>better communicating with our shareholders and with the general public and
>media. Details: http://spacedev.com/media/pressrelease/25june01.html
>Thank you for your interest in and support of SpaceDev.
>Onward and Upward!
>Jim Benson
>Founder, Chairman, CEO
>To unsubscribe from this email list, send an email to:
> unsubscribe@cx601762-a.pwy1.sdca.home.com
>To subscribe to SpaceDevList, send email to:
> subscribe@cx601762-a.pwy1.sdca.home.com

Q. What is the similarity between an elephant and a grape?
A. They are both purple... except for the elephant.
Virtual Reality Association http://www.vr.org.au

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