Re: Ian Goddard MIA?

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 12:28:50 MDT

I sent a post to his contact @ listed on his updated website
but it bounced undeliverable. The last update on his site
looks to be spring of 98-ish.

Since we are discussing MIAs, where is den Otter? spike

Mike Lorrey wrote:

> Felix Ungman wrote:
> >
> > Maybe he's busy prooving that IAN = not IAN?
> >
> > On fredag 10 augusti 2001 12.25, Eugene Leitl <> wrote:
> > >
> > >Folks, Ian Goddard seems to be MIA. Any idea where he might be?
> Ouch, Felix. That hurts. Maybe he's in deep cover, uncovering what
> really happened to Chandra Levy.

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