Re: Libertarian Purity Test

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 08:15:15 MDT

Lee Corbin wrote:
> Mike Linksvayer advertized the "Libertarian Purity Test" at
> >
> >
> >
> I scored 80 out of a possible 160, and so, since:
> 31-50 points: Your libertarian credentials are obvious.
> Doubtlessly you will become more extreme as time goes on.
> 51-90 points: You are a medium-core libertarian, probably
> self-consciously so.

I scored 132.

131-159 points: You are nearly a perfect libertarian, with a tiny number
of blind spots. Think about them, then take the test
over again. On the other hand, if you scored this high, you probably
have a good libertarian objection to my suggested
libertarian answer. :-)

I selected contrary answers on some earlier questions, primarily because
it seemed that the test was divided into sections that would apply to
current day society, an interim future semi-libertarian society, and
eventually a fully libertarian/anarcho-capitalist society, respectively.
I thought that Kaplan focused on too many things that were effects or
peripheral issues, without dealing with the core problems that many
current day programs exist to address the effects of. For example, the
excessive protection of corporations from liability, it seems to me, are
one of the big problems that many social programs are present to
address. Eliminating those social programs without eliminating the
causes is not a good idea in my opinion.

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