Re: New Ways of Thinking

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 12:00:29 MDT

"J. R. Molloy" wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lee Corbin" <>
> > What is the advantage in not thinking while
> > eating a tomato or driving a car?
> Those were just examples of incidents where direct experience of reality can
> happen. It can happen anytime. Right now is a good time to directly experience
> reality. ©¿©¬ The advantage of direct experience of reality is that it
> provides a connection to the ground of being, so that one does not need a
> system of thought to relate to existence. One simply knows life oneself, and
> does not need to learn about it second hand. So, one can evaluate the
> statements of others based on one's own direct experience.

Yes. Very much so. However, we now are caught up in a system
of thought if we have not reached this direct experience of
reality. Sometimes it is necessary to systematically undo a
system of thought and, at least for some people, replace it
temporarily with one more conducive to this direct experience.
That the Experience is beyond systems of thoughts and beyond any
and all techniques used to open fully to it does not mean that
all of these things have no use whatsoever.

- samantha

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